Page 3 - ochranný balíček
P. 3



             Balení: 1 ks v balíčku

             Odběr: po 1000 ks
                                                                                                                                     48,50 Kč

                                                                                                                                          za 1 ks
             Dostupnost: cca 7 týdnů                                                                                                    Cena je bez DPH

                                                                  GB: FACE MASK,
                                                                  TYPE IIR APPROVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH EN 14683: 2014
                                                                  INTENDED USE:
             Maska na obličej s měkkým přichycením za uši a s nosní sponou.  Prevention towards spread of infectious breath, cough and sneeze.
                                                                  Protection against inhalation of airborne particles such as dust,
             Disponuje vysokou bakteriální filtrací. Doporučuje se pro použití   pollen and transmittable bacteria and vira.
                                                                  INSTRUCTION FOR USE:
             zdravotnickými pracovníky ke snížení křížové kontaminace.  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before AND after wearing.
                                                                      2.Take hold of the mask at the upper edge, where the nasal clamp is
             Výrazná minimalizace rizika infekce.                 felt and with the blue side facing outwards.
                                                                  3. Place the nasal clamp over the nasal ridge and apply pressure to
                                                                  fasten the mask.
                                                                  4. Holding the nasal clamp gently pull the lower edge of the mask
             Skladujte  v  suchu,  při  pokojové  teplotě  a  ne  na  přímém   downwards in order to expand the mask.
                                                                  5. Place the ear strings firmly around ears.   Gently press
                                                                                   the nasal
             slunečním světle.                                    6.Gently press the nasal bridge clamp around the nose to ensure a   bridge clamp
                                                                                   around the
                                                                  tight fit and adhesion.  nose to
                                                                                   ensure a
             Životnost - neotevřená 5 let                         7. Spread and unfold until it covers the chin completely, leaving no   tight fit
                                                                  gaps between the mask cheeks and chin.
             Materiál: Polypropylen, Melt Blown, Polypropylen     8. Dispose in closed bin
                                                                  Single use only. Do not use if the mask is dirty or broken.
                                                                  Keep away from small children. Nonsterile.
                                                                  Any serious incident that has occurred in relation to the device should
                                                                  be reported to the manufacturer and the competent authority of the
                                                                  Member State in which the user and/or patient is established
                                                                                                                                       1000 ks
                                                                                                                                       Ochranné roušky jednotlivě balené
                                                                                                                                       Vnější rozměry krabice - 57x33x29 cm
                                                                                                                                       Váha - 5.18 kg
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